November 7, 2013

My First Post!

For a while now I have wanted to start a sewing blog to document and keep track of my projects, post pattern reviews, sewing tips & tutorials, etc! I keep very busy staying at home with a 1-year-old and a 2-year-old, but I've decided it's something I really want to do, so I'm going for it! In the past few years I have really fallen in love with sewing & creating things for my own kids, family members, and friends. It's addicting to start from scratch and end up with something adorable and unique, made with your own two hands. I love the entire process, but of course the end result is always my favorite!

I have sewn a little here & there since taking a sewing class in 9th grade, but I really got excited about sewing when I found out I was expecting a baby girl! There were thousands of cute things I had seen online that I wanted to make for her! I started out really basic, making simple projects and really just winging it! These were some of the very first things I made for my little princess. Very simple skirts and appliqued onesies using Heat 'n Bond light. I also made a few onesies for a friend expecting a boy as well! I was hooked :)

After Maci was born, my obsession with sewing only grew. It was exhilarating to create something adorable, put it on her, and watch it become at least 10x more adorable right before my eyes! Ok, maybe that's just how I saw it, but either way :) I slowly started to expand my sewing skill set and began making a wider variety of projects. Here are a few more pictures from my early sewing days! 

 (please excuse my large prego belly here!)

At that point, I still wasn't using patterns - I was really just winging it, tracing clothes Maci had that fit, etc. For Maci's first birthday, I decided to try my first couple of PDF patterns! The instant gratification you get with PDF patterns is indescribable! I'm an instant gratification junkie (no patience here) so to be able to see the pattern, download it instantly, print it out, and get to sewing is like crack for me. Seriously. I'll be making another post listing all of the reasons why I LOVE PDF patterns. Either way.. the skirt I tried making really didn't turn out how it was supposed to (still never figured out why), and there were a couple of hiccups with the romper I made for her pictures, but in the end, I was happy with the end result. Just don't look too close! :)

Everything has really just kind of snowballed from there! Sewing is one of my favorite things to do now. I get a little time to myself (it's definitely necessary from time to time) and can just dive in and create something beautiful!

When Maci was 14 months old, we welcomed our second baby to the family.. this time, a boy! It's definitely a lot harder to find sewing patterns for baby boys, but I still found things I could make him. I plan on showcasing some of my favorite boy projects in the future, so be on the lookout! Sewing for boys can be fun too! 

Well, I think that's a long enough novel for my very first blog post! I'll try to continue catching up to where I am now, so I can begin to post about new patterns and projects I've been working on.. they are never ending! 

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